Norwegian, Culture/Adventure explores South West Norway 16 curious students and 1 enlightened teacher begin our journey to the South West of Norway. Day 1: The first stop is the Heddal Stavkirke, the largest stave church in Norway. Our second destination is at the very luxurious and historical Hotel Dalen where we are served a delicious dinner. We come to Preikestolen base camp where we stayed over night. Group photo in front of the Heddal Stavkirke as well as a photo from Hotel Dalen. Day 2: We hike up to the Preikestolen. At the top we get a beautiful view of the fjord. We have reserved 2 sauna rafts where we can relax after a long day of hiking. The group have a lot of fun while making delicious tacos togehter. Views from both Preikestolen and the sauna rafts. Day 3: Sightseeing in Stavanger. Susan gives us several different locations to check out including the cathedral, fish market, concert hall and many more. The we visit Norsk Oljemuseum (Norwegian Oil Museum). Here we developed a good understanding on what the industry is all about. At last we visit «Flor og Fjære». We take a boat to the island and get a guideet tour through the different beautiful gardens Day 4: We visit the last manned lighthouse in Norway which is the most southern lithhouse on the Norwegian mainland. We eat delicious fish soup in Mandal before we drive to Kristiansand. Susan give us some free time to explore the city by ourselves On our way to Isefjær camping, we shop for dinner which we plan and make for ourselves. The boys and girl split up which resulted in an epic cook-off. Day 5: Last stop before driving home to Elverum is Kristiansand Zoo where we learn all about the native and endangered animals of Norway as well as many other animals from all around the world. Although this group has only been together just shy of a month, it is safe to say we are already becoming the dreamteam of 21-22. Thank you to the SW of Norway for an unforgettable five days. 0102030405Bildegalleri (10)0607080901001: Day 4: The girls meal from the epic cook off.02: Day 3: Tour at Flo og Fjære03: Day 3: Tour at Norsk Oljemuseum04: Day 2: Hike to Preikestolen Skrevet av susan Publisert september 17, 2021 Share on Facebook Share by email Copy link backpacker Bistand Bærekraft ekstremsport elverumfhs elverum folkehøgskole Historie kite Kommende arrangementer NCFU Norsk Cøliakiforening snowkite Studietur Relatert Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Thanksgiving dinner with the Norwegian-class Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Munch og Vigeland med Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Southwestern tour