Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian – Culture/Adventure class – January 2020 January is a month for great experiences and a lot of winter fun. Besides practicing and learning more and more. Norwegian language in our class room, we go dog sledding, cross country skiing and down hill skiing/-snowboarding in Trysil. Bildegalleri (12) We drive to Lillehammer and get a good view of the city from the top of Lysgårdsbakkene – the ski jump built for the Winter Olympic games in 1994. This was the site for the opening of the games. 01020301: On the very top of the ski jump in Lillehammer. We also visit the museum «Maihaugen» where we literally walk through the Norwegian history from the Ice time till today. We learn about how Norwegian family farms were managed in old times and what roles each family member had on the farm. We also go in to «The future house» built in 2001 and find out that what was future in 2001 is already past today. Interesting. Bildegalleri (7) Skrevet av Eivind Høimyr Publisert februar 20, 2020 Share on Facebook Share by email Copy link backpacker Bistand Bærekraft ekstremsport elverumfhs elverum folkehøgskole Historie kite Kommende arrangementer NCFU Norsk Cøliakiforening snowkite Studietur Relatert Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Thanksgiving dinner with the Norwegian-class Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Munch og Vigeland med Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Southwestern tour