Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian – Adventure/Culture, finally we are back in buisness! Ok all friends, realtives and others. Finally I have found time to blog. First I have to present our class of 13/14. Wesley, Emma, Espen, Anette, Everet and Stefan are from USA, Arne, Leonard, Charlotte, Victoria and Nelly from Germany, Christian from Spain, Jessica and Johanne (Terry) from Brasil and Mizuho from Japan. This bouquet of fine young people are the ones Per Egil and I will spend this year together with. We have already been glacier hiking on Leirbreen and Bøverbreen at Sognefjellet, white water rafting in the river Sjoa and climbed up to the very top of Glittertind, the second highest mountain in Norway. We have also been canoeing on the river Kynna. The first three weeks have been full of highlights. Glacier hiking The class of 13/14. Anette on the top of Glittertind. Skrevet av Eivind Høimyr Publisert september 23, 2013 Share on Facebook Share by email Copy link backpacker Bistand Bærekraft ekstremsport elverumfhs elverum folkehøgskole Historie kite Kommende arrangementer NCFU Norsk Cøliakiforening snowkite Studietur Relatert Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Thanksgiving dinner with the Norwegian-class Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Munch og Vigeland med Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Southwestern tour