Norwegian – Culture/Adventure Norwegian på studietur til Sør-Vestlandet Første studietur i Norge. Telemark The Norwegian culture and adventure class took a trip to the South/West of Norway. Early monday morning we started our journey towards Heddal Stavkrike and Heddal Bygdetun. A guide told us about the history of the church and showed us around one of the old farmhouses of Heddal. Here we learned about and saw how people in big farms used to live in Norway.Heddal stavkirke is a beautiful wooden cathedral buid around 1150. It is richly decorated with wood carvings and paintings. Here you can see traces of 800 years in use as a aparish church, with motives from both old norse religion and christianity. After we left Heddal we made our way to Dalen Hotel. We had a great meal in the restautant and afterwards we got a tour around the hotel. Dalen hotel has a very interesting history aswell as a spooky story to go with it. Many of Europe and the worlds royals and celebrities have visited the hotel since it’s opening. 0102030405Bildegalleri (9)0607080901: Foto: Ingvild Aabakken02: Foto: Ingvild Aabakken03: Foto: Ingvild Aabakken04: Foto: Ingvild Aabakken From Dalen we went to Tjørhom. It turned out that there was a lot of roadwork and we took a nice little (quite big) road trip. When we finally came to our destination everyone went straight to bed because tuesday was going to be an active day. Preikestolen Tuesday we were going to Preikestolen! One of the most famous mountains in Norway. Prekeistolen is famous because of the shape and because it stared in one of the Mission Impossible movies. The hike was beautiful. When we finally came to the top, we took a lot of pictures of the view. After our hike down we had an amazing sauna on the lake. We dove into the lake and warmed up in the sauna. We made our own fire and had a barbeque on it. 0102030405Bildegalleri (7)060701: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler02: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler03: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler04: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler Preikestolen er et fjellplatå på nordsiden av Lysefjorden i Strand kommune i Rogaland. Preikestolen er et tilnærmet flatt fjellplatå, ca. 25 × 25 m og har et loddrett stup 604 meter rett ned til Lysefjorden. Preikestolen er et av de mest populære turistmål i Norge. Stavanger After a great night’s sleep we drove to Stavanger. The Norwegian Oil Museum opened at 10, we arrived at 9. Luckily there was an amazing playground called Geoparken. When the museum opened we got a very interesting tour and some good explanation about the Norwegian oil industry. It’s so fascinating how the entire country benefits from it. After our tour around the museum we took a ferry to Flor og Fjære. It’s a beautiful garden with loads of flowers and waterfalls. We got a tour and afterwards we could look around for ourselves. Around 4 o’clock we went back to mainland Stavanger and got some free time to wander around. We went to Gamle By, the old part of Stavanger and to fargerik gate, a very colorful street. Near the fargerik gate we got pizza with the entire class. The next day we dressed warmly because we were going to Norway’s most southern lighthouse, Lindesnes Fyr. 0102030405Bildegalleri (16)0607080901001101201301401501601: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler02: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler03: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler04: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler Kristiansand It was very, very windy. The tour guide told us about the history of the lighthouses along the entire coast of Norway. Afterwards we went on a boat tour along the coast of Southern Norway. We sang songs and enjoyed the view. On Thursday we also went to Kristiansand to wander around and explore the city. We stayed the night at Kristiansand Folkehogskole where we socialized and joined they evening program of Just Dance, we had a lot of fun with them. On Friday we went to the zoo in Kristiansand. We learned about the Norwegian predators. Around 2 o’clock we started our journey back to Elverum. Halfway through we had a picknick near a playground so of course after our dinner we played for a while. We got home at 10 o’clock, thanked and hugged our teachers for the fun trip. We can’t wait for all the adventures that are about to happen this year! 010203040501: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler02: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler03: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler04: Foto: Kristin Kirchgesler Studieturer Skrevet av ingvild Publisert september 30, 2022 Share on Facebook Share by email Copy link Relatert Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Norwegian Culture/ Adventure- linja kjører hundeslede Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Norwegian – Culture/Adventure class visiting Copenhagen Norwegian - Culture/Adventure Thanksgiving dinner with the Norwegian-class