
Tuition fees include line costs, study trips, food, rooms and internet. We are approved by Lånekassen, so you can get a full loan and scholarship.

The school year 2025-2026

LineRoom with shared bathroomEn suite room
Africa - Aid / Culture154 271 -162 231 -
Backpacker / Extreme sports154 271 -162 231 -
Photo / Adventure144 523 -152 483 -
Outdoor life/Experiences141 238 -149 198 -
Handball141 238 -149 198 -
Content creation141 238 -149 198 -
Art / Adventure141 238 -149 198 -
Multisport/Sports141 238 -149 198 -
Music - Band / Vocals141 238 -149 198 -
Norwegian - Culture / Adventure149 292 -157 254 -
Snowboard / Freeski149 292 -157 254 -
Carpenter129 071 -137 031 -

Semester course

Half-year courses are available on some lines. Half-year courses cost 50% of the price for full-year courses.

This includes:

  • All travel, all teaching materials, food and rooms - and really everything you need as a student at school except pocket money.
  • You pay NOK 2 in registration fee when you confirm that you accept the school place. This is included in the total price, but you will not get this back if you give up your place.

Bank fees are additional.

What does it really cost to live away from home?

If you think folk high school seems expensive, we recommend that you set up a small calculation of what it costs to live from home. Here is an example:

WhatPer month.Nine months
Rent6 000 -54 000 -
Electricity 1500,-13 500 -
Internett 500,-4 500 -
Food3 500 -31 500 -
Transportation1 500 -13 500 -
Cost, living away from home13 000 -117 000 -

Elverum FHS costs less - and you get more!

A year at Elverum Folkehøgskole costs an average of NOK 89, when you deduct NOK 55 in grants.

Here you get "everything included": food, electricity, Wi-Fi, rent and transport to activities with the school.

In addition, you get mainstream subjects, elective subjects, social programmes, materials and access to classrooms, equipment and study trips!

Not least, you get committed teachers who follow you up and work to ensure that you experience mastery and development.

You will receive a diploma for the completed school year, and two additional points for further education.

Extraordinary circumstances

Route plans, school plans and study tours may be changed if natural disasters or other external and extraordinary circumstances occur that are beyond the school's control and which significantly affect the implementation. In the event of changes, no financial compensation is normally given. We will do our best to work out good alternative solutions if a trip or a plan cannot be carried out.