Norwegian – Culture/Adventure on dog sledding
This week we visit Stein Håvard Fjestad and his wife Siri who lives in Tufsingdal. About 40 Alaska Huskies live with them. Stein Håvard has over 50 years of experience with dog sledding. This year he will participate in The Finnmark race (1200 km with a maximum of 14 dogs in front of the sled) for the 19th time and is one of the founders of Femundsløpet that goes here in the region.

When we arrive at the farm, we get time to greet the dogs before, through expert guidance, we harness the dogs in dog teams of four and four.
Stein Håvard teaches us how to drive them and what is important to remember. Then we get a great trip out into the wilderness.
The youngest puppies are chained for the first time and they don't like it at all. Then it's fine to have students from Elverum FHS who can comfort them and calm them down.
All the dogs are very friendly, a few are a bit shy at first, but quickly become confident with us. We all enjoy ourselves as one. When we have driven with the dogs, we learn that we should always thank each of them for the trip. It is to show the dogs respect.
We join in and arrange food for the dogs and distribute it to everyone.
We also get time to grill sausages on a fire. While we eat, Stein Håvard holds a small history lesson for us about the area we are in.

After a full 6 hours of lots of activity, learning and "adventure", we say thank you and turn our noses back home to Elverum FHS. To Stein Håvard and Siri; THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR A FANTASTIC DAY!