Music - Band / Vocals

Rich start in Music – Band/Vocal..

..type rich in content, educational and cohesive.

We are just over a month into the school year, and the music department is very well underway with the music. In the last month we have:

  • Played an acoustic concert at 1188 meters above sea level a week after starting.
  • Learned about harmonies and how to use the circle of fifths to make music.
  • Rearranged "Seven nation army" into two other completely different genres.
  • Learned about how our studio works for recording own pro projects.
  • Learned about rigging and sound design.
  • Learned about composing technique and writing texts.
  • All the students have soon composed their very own song.
  • Set repertoire, rehearsed it and played two concerts for just under 2000 people over two days.
  • Became a close-knit and good group that thrives together.

In addition, we have done all the other things that a school day has at Elverum Folkehøgskole, everything from program evenings to joint subjects, electives and education. And this is just the beginning of the list…