
See Elverum Folkehøgskole in «Kongens Nei»

On Friday, the big movie "The King's No" premieres for a packed Dice Arena, but already now the film has been chosen as an Oscar nominee. On the screen you can see Elverum Folk High School.

The first reviews of the film have come, and there are only good reviews to be found. The King's No is about the three most dramatic days in Norway's history, and it is precisely at Elverum Folk High School that the King gave his no in April 1940.

The king meets Hitler's envoy Curt Bräuer on the second floor of the main building at Elverum Folk High School. (Source: YouTube)

When the war broke out in 1940, the government fled to Elverum Folk High School. The students had to end the school year, and were expelled from school. When the film was shot in 2014, the students were thrown out again. A patch on the wound is that the students now get tickets to the preview. And then we get to see our school on the big screen - set back to the dramatic days in 1940. A glimpse of the school we already get 1:29 into the trailer.

History in the walls

The "King's Room" has been referred to by Norway's most decorated citizen Gunnar "Kjakan" Sønsteby as "Norway's most important historical room". At the folk high school, several memorials mark the historical events - a large monument and information board on the school grounds, a memorial in the theater hall (Stortingssalen) and a plaque in the royal room. In connection with the unveiling and markings, we have had visits from both King Olav, King Harald and two Presidents of the Storting - Olemic Thommessen and Dag Terje Andersen.

Reviews and articles

The production has received good media coverage, and very good reviews:

Big "yes!" to «The King's no»!


First-class acting, completed time color, photography and high-quality effects and dramaturgy with clear lines and conflicts means that The king's no becomes a very solid depiction of a crucial part of Norwegian war history.

-NRK Film Police

Read more about the King's No and Elverum Folk High School's role in the April days of 1940

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