Backpacker / Extreme sports

Why folk high school? Nine questions with Synnøve on Backpacker / Ekstremsport

The admission for the next school year is underway, and as inspiration we have asked current students about how they ended up at Elverum folk high school, and how they thrive…

Synnøve Bysveen

Line: Backpacker / Extreme Sports
Boarding school: Eidsvoll
Age: 19 years
From: Trondheim

Why did you choose Elverum FHS?  
-It was a bit random. It was a bit safe because I know someone who has been here before. I applied to two other schools, but eventually landed at Elverum.

How did you decide which line you wanted to go?
-It was my sister who said: "just search, there is guaranteed to be something you want".

Where did you find info?

What have been your best experiences so far?
-It is difficult to choose. There have been new and different trips.

It is a completely different everyday life than I am used to. But the best experience is really the everyday. Student evenings. Karaoke… There are many who are the funniest!

What was different than you thought?
-I did not know what it would be like to live at school with the teachers so close. But, it can not be compared to teachers I have had before. Here it becomes more of a friendship. And then it was very new and different to live with so many. Not eating breakfast in peace. But it is not something negative.

How do you live?
-I live in an apartment at Eidsvoll (the name of the boarding school) with two others from the Africa line. They knew each other from before, but it is not noticeable at all. I think it's better to share a room than to live alone, it's much more fun than being alone in the room. I'm never bored. Christmas vacation was almost a bit lonely…

What electives do you have?
-Now I have Zumba, Pilates, Strength Training, Weightlifting, Choir, Knitting and Fun with Marius (turn). It's cool that you can choose all by yourself!

What do you do when you do not have a subject?
-If you get bored, you go to the fireplace room or the Africa classroom (student room). There is always something going on. Or I go to town and buy what you need (or what's for sale).

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