The autumn semester at Elverum Folk High School
A good half year with many good experiences - despite the pandemic.
«As good as normal»…
The autumn of 2020 has been marked by Covid-19, but most of it has been carried out "as usual". There have of course been some adjustments, but there have also been many good experiences when we have been forced to think new.
Start of the school year
School started almost as normal, but without parents present. Covid-19 meant that the students were placed in a boarding school with students from their own line as long as possible. The first two weeks we ate and had lessons with only students from our line. After a run-in with a stay only at the school, we were considered one cohort and the students have been able to meet each other just like in a "normal" school year.
Throughout the autumn, we have spent time talking about and understanding how privileged we have been at the school, which has at all times been able to socialize with 130 other young people, while very many students around the rest of the country sit isolated in a student dormitory without social services. .
Measures for the prevention of coronary heart disease
There has been extra cleaning at the school all autumn. We have eaten in cohorts, extended time at meals and had several buffets. This is in addition to general infection control rules. There has also been extra morning and evening cleaning in common rooms and extra cleaning before, during and after meals. We have had good contact with the infection control doctor in Elverum and followed all guidelines from him since March. Students with respiratory infections or symptoms of Covid-19 have stayed in the dormitory and been tested continuously.
School and classroom environment
Covid-19 and the measures have led us to work more in small groups, this has led to an even better and safer learning and school environment.
Line weeks
We have had four line weeks where only the line subjects have been worked on. During these weeks we have traveled in Norway or had workshops or major projects at school. There has been more time for professional planning and socialization.
Climate March
In October, we arranged a climate march to Elverum town hall, where we handed over a separate climate agreement to the mayor, with sustainable and environmentally friendly measures we are committed to implementing to become a greener school.
Theme week
In each semester, we have a theme week where the whole school participates in a common fun, social and challenging project. "Rare adventures" were carried out with rewriting of some of our famous adventures, work with scenery, stage work, photography / film and costumes.
The film festival Movies on War, a festival about war and conflict, peace and reconciliation.
We participated in the whole festival, and to make room for us, some of the films were shown as special screenings at school. The films were introduced with short introductions and followed by class discussions on the theme and content.
Christmas at the folk high school
Christmas week was celebrated as usual with a Christmas workshop, Christmas concert, Christmas day with the line, Christmas dinner with a walk around the Christmas tree outside and a visit from Santa. The Christmas week ended with a Christmas program from staff and students with 24 features.
The Christmas holidays
Several of the foreign students will be at school for part of - or the entire - Christmas holiday. During the Christmas and New Year weekend, they get to experience Norwegian traditions.
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