
Interview with Keston and Kai at Friluftsliv

These two outdoor enthusiasts are both roommates and classmates.

Kai Galvan

Age: 21 years
Comes from: San Francisco
Line: Outdoor life

Keston Cornwall

Age: 19
Comes from: London
Line: Outdoor life

How did your interest in outdoor life start?
Kai: It started when I was a child maybe, then I was out in the woods a lot and played with my friends. We could do whatever we wanted there with lots of freedom.
Keston: During my life, I have been and grew up mostly in cities and urban environments. I had been to national trust parks, but almost always stayed in the city. Outdoor life is the complete opposite and I really wanted to try something completely new. Get out of my comfort zone.

Why did you apply for Elverum FHS?
Quay: I chose Elverum because I liked Friluftslinja best. And then I like the location the school is at, it is outside the city but not so far from Oslo anyway. And then it looked really funny.
Keston: I would like to take a half-year course and this year Elverum had that offer. Before I started, I talked to the line teacher at outdoor life, Per, and he was very friendly and inclusive. So I thought it reflected the environment at school as well.

What is your best outdoor life experience?
Kai: There are so many good experiences to choose from! But if I have to choose only one, it must be from the trip to Femundsmarka. We were there on a trip over five days and had gotten through the mountain pass on day 4. It had been very windy and minus 20 degrees Celsius, so it was absolutely beautiful to get down to the forest again. Then we camped there, made a fire and drank hot cocoa.
Keston: I was going to say the exact same thing. It was the last night of the trip and it was such a great feeling to sit there and drink cocoa, with the feeling that we had finished something together as a group. It was a really good feeling.

What do you always pack in your backpack?
Both: Camera. We both always have a camera to take pictures of all the beautiful places we see. Always trying to take the best pictures I can.

What is it like to be a student at EFHS? What are you learning?
Quay: Great. People are very friendly and I have had many experiences where people come away and introduce themselves just to try to get to know each other better. The teachers are also very helpful. There is a lot going on during the day and it is quite busy, but there is a good balance between relaxing anyway.
Learn a lot about other cultures from many people from around the world. Film photography, kickboxing, darkroom, learning Norwegian, knife making, drawing and painting. And not least personal development.

What is it like to be both roommates and classmates?
It is very nice! We have more time to get to know each other and it would not be the same without it. Our bond is stronger than if we had not been roommates as well.

What did you learn on Friluftslinja?
Kai: Very much! Among other things, that to bother to spend time boiling water and keep in a hot water bottle to have it in the sleeping bag when it is minus 20. It is the most comfortable thing you can do when you are cold. 100% worth it.

Keston: The joy of working hard at something you do, like when you go skiing and take time to look around you at the beautiful nature. When something is both difficult and exciting at the same time. We have also learned a lot about "outdoor winter skills". I have learned to ski, build different fires, sleep outside in the winter without a tent - such as a gap hut and snow cave and to cook good food outdoors with few ingredients.

Keston and Kai's best outdoor life tips:

  • Work to have a good mood! As long as you are in a good mood and have a good attitude, every situation will be better. Brush off any mistakes and move on.
  • Go to the bathroom before going to bed, so you do not have to get dressed and go out at night.
  • Outdoor life is suitable for everyone and you do not need a lot of experience from before. I had no experience before, everything was new to me and I have learned so much since I started.
  • Quick lunch is your best friend.
  • "If you have to go to the bathroom, go find the most beautiful mountainside and you might just have the most glorious poop of your life"