Photo / Adventure

Two-part week for Photos / Experiences: Tour photos and darkrooms

The photo line has worked with photos and film from the trip to Denmark, and started with development in a darkroom!

Photo assignments on tour

The photography students were given the following tasks on the study trip:

  1. You will film raw material for a short travel video from the Denmark trip.
  • Remember to film «still images»
  • Think about what it takes for the story to be connected (travel, walking, surroundings, overall photos, close-ups, reactions and faces)
  • Can you find a common thread? (dogs, dancing, neon signs, someone who constantly says where we are, street signs, etc.?)

2. Humans of Denmark

  • Take at least one portrait of a stranger. Talk to the person. Give a compliment for your hair, hat, style, appearance or just explain that they look good and that you want to photograph them. (Feel free to take live photos that can be included in the travel video).

3. Fill out your analog movie

4. Take pictures for at least six of the following titles:

SignageJain this SinceAround

Adobe Premiere Pro

This week we have had a review of the video program Adobe Premiere Pro, a professional editing program with endless possibilities.

At first glance, it may seem confusing and complicated - but with a little introduction, it is an incredibly good tool that provides all the possibilities.

But a good travel film is more than cool transitions and effects. It's about music, rock rhythm, good experiences and capturing the atmosphere of the trip in moving pictures.

«Filming still images»

Before the trip, we talked about "filming still images". This involves filming one subject at a time, instead of pointing the camera back and forth at everything you see. This makes the cutting process incredibly much easier, and contributes to a tidier, more purposeful camera guidance - and ultimately a better film.

Film by Sofie Solheim.

Image processing

In addition to working with travel film, we have sorted, evaluated and edited photos from the trip.

Read more about what we did on the study trip in this post:

Stealth start in darkroom

Next week, five of the photo students have a kitchen service, so they got off to a flying start in darkroom work this week.

There is always a lot of tension in the room when you open the developing tank and see if pictures appear on the film roll. The excitement was no less this time, and with four out of four films correctly evoked, it is allowed to cheer a little.

We even managed to take the step further and start with paper copying, so now there will be many nice walls in the dormitories in the future.

Interested in analog photography? Read more here:

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