Rembrandt light, broad light and short light. The photography students have experimented in the studio! See the pictures here.
Studio setup
Photography students have learned how to set up lights in the studio and how the equipment works. They then had to test out different lighting setups and techniques that give very different results, and all the students had to submit photos in which they used all the different techniques.
We set up a white, a black and a studio with a colored background, and the students had to visit all the setups. The studio and equipment are available to the photography students at any time, also outside of lessons.
Photo: Eivind Høimyr @fotolarer
Not sure about the terms? Here's a quick overview:
Short lighting
Position the camera so that the dark side of the model is angled towards the camera and receives the main emphasis.
Broad lighting
Position the camera so that the light side of the model takes center stage in the image.
split lighting
Light only on one side of the model.
Rembrandt light
About 45 degrees, and above eye level. Characteristic triangle on the shadow side that "should be" as wide as the eye and as long as the nose.