Backpacker / Extreme sports

Backpacker in caves, on glaciers and tops

Anne-Margit says:
On Sunday 1 September 2013, the Backpacker / Ekstremsport class traveled on their first class trip this school year. The first item on the program was a cave walk in Dummdalen, ten minutes drive from Krossbu Tourist Station where we were to spend two nights.

There he met me who was to be our guide, Dan from Nepal. He walked through the caves that he had not done all his life, and I do not think I was alone in feeling a little clumsy as I crawled on my knees under the mountains. But it was fun and intriguing!

Inside the cave
Inside one of the caves.

When we were done in the caves we were going back to the bus and drive the last ten minutes to Krossbu. When we got there, we got our luggage in place in the room before it was carried down to the dining room where we were served a two-course dinner. The food was good and me were all naked with the day.

After a good night's sleep at Krossbu, we were ready in the morning for a glacier hike on Smørstabbreen together with Friluftsliv / Ekstremsport. The weather could not be much better and after the walk up to the glacier, many people realized that it would probably get a little warm with both wool underwear, fleece sweater and windproof jacket.

Group on glacier
On the way up on Bøverbreen.
Up from the crack.
Jørgen jumps, - Nina and Per follow.
"We have to bathe every day!" quote Vemund and Jørgen

After a glacier change and dinner on Tuesday, we got on the bus and drove towards Glitterheim, where we were to be until Friday. We arrived late in the evening and had to walk 8 kilometers with a headlamp on a gravel road to the cabin.


The next morning the plan was to go to Glittertind, Norway's second highest mountain with all the lines that were at Glitterheim. It was a rocky trip, but the atmosphere was at its best, and almost everyone recovered completely!

Teachers Per Eil and Kristian.
Topless on top!

There was also a group with representatives from the lines Backpacker, Friluftsliv and Norwegian who went on to another peak (Ryggjehøe). We really got balance training with jumping from rock to rock for hours, but the view at the top was definitely worth it! It was an airy and long trip, and when we came down to Glitterheim 19:30 we were happy that they still had hot dinner for us.

On Thursday, the teachers had planned a trip again, something not everyone was equally happy about… Despite that, everyone went for a good walk that day and, then in the valley towards Veobreen.

It was good to go for a walk as the surface did not only consist of stone and some tough people even got to feel the bathing temperature in the glacial river on the way back.

On Friday we had no other plans than breakfast, washing and the trip home again, which consisted of an hour's walk on a gravel road and then 4-5 hours in the bus back to school.

All in all, we had a fantastic trip with finesse all week, nice people, good atmosphere and many new experiences for everyone. We could not have been much better, thanks for the trip everyone!

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