Africa - Aid / Culture

What is good assistance?

A new year is underway and so is the aid job for everyone in Africa - Aid/Culture. Next to travel down to REEC then want to distinguish between good aid and less good aid, as well as find good methods for obtaining funds.


  1. It is important to act in the country where the project is - if possible. This in order to strengthen the infrastructure
  2. Ensure safe and good communication between the parties. For us: REEC in Uganda and Elverum Folkehøgskole.
  3. Prioritize guidance in the use of the money. This is not pejorative, but important to prevent unnecessary corruption traps.
  4. Send committed professionals to the project for skills development.
  5. Important with good documentation - preferably with regular attendance.
The papaya trees at Landbruket will soon be ready for harvesting

Methods of raising funds:

  1. Pawn bottles at school in a local environment
  2. Organize sponsorship races for a project through municipal primary schools
  3. Sell ​​alternative Christmas gift cards (goats, hens, mosquito nets, food baskets, etc)
  4. Lottery sales and cafés during Parents' Weekend or at local shopping centres
  5. Internal marathon activities where we get paid per hour (e.g. computer games, knitting, snowboarding) Everyone arranges private sponsors. Small sums + many sponsors + many hours = a lot of money.
Here, students are motivated during last year's Active for Others.